Breastfeeding and Dental Procedures
Many parents are concerned regarding medications they may receive during dental procedures and the affect it has on their breastfeeding infant or their milk supply. Rest assured, dental x-rays, novocain and other drugs used for local anesthesia are considered compatible with breastfeeding; meaning there is no effect on milk supply or on the nursing infant. Most of these medication do not pass into the milk at all or are poorly absorbed, and have no affect on the infant. Medications used for oral sedation or IV sedation are also generally compatible with breastfeeding.
Nitrous oxide sedation (known as laughing gas) is also not a problem for breastfeeding mother since it is rapidly eliminated from the body via the lungs.
Mother who are having oral surgery do not need to pump and dump their milk. As soon as mother is awake and alert she can feed her infant.
Of course, special circumstances and other oral procedures should always be discussed with your dentist or oral surgeon.
For all questions regarding medications and breastfeeding, we encourage families to contact the Infant Risk at 806-352-2519, M-F, CST