Looking for Breastfeeding Resources?

Here you’ll find lots of great information for families on breastfeeding recommendations and advocacy materials, as well as resources for health professionals who want to learn more about the importance of their role in supporting breastfeeding families.

Pittsburgh-Based Resources

Allegheny County Breastfeeding Helpline / Healthy Start


Accepts calls from parents in Allegheny County who have breastfeeding questions or concerns. Calls are answered by certified lactation counselors. Healthy Start participants are eligible to receive a home visit from their certified lactation consultant; participants are also eligible to attend free breastfeeding and childbirth education classes.


Center for Urban Breastfeeding



Nurture PA Breastfeeding Resources



Pittsburgh Black Breastfeeding Circle


An in-person and Facebook support group for women of color who want to meet and discuss some of the unique challenges they face with breastfeeding and parenting.


Mid-Atlantic Mother’s Milk Bank


When mothers’ own milk is unavailable, Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank provides donor human milk.


WIC Lactation Program


WIC recipients in Allegheny County are eligible for free in-home visits by an IBCLC

National Resources

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

A worldwide organization of physicians dedicated to the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding and human lactation. A key goal of the ABM is the development of clinical protocols for managing common medical problems that may impact breastfeeding success.


AAP Breastfeeding Initiatives


Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding

This Call to Action lists measures people can take to support mothers and babies who are breastfeeding, improve the quality of health care that mothers and babies receive and reduce breastfeeding inequities and disparities.


Business Case for Breastfeeding

A guide for employers designed to help support the breastfeeding/pumping employee in the workplace, including a private place to pump and flexible breaks. Supporting breastfeeding in the workplace promotes employee retention, productivity and loyalty.


Federal Law


Coding/Billing Information for Physicians

From the AAP and PCC:




CDC Breastfeeding


Global Health Media

The Global Health Media Project designs and develops videos (including several breastfeeding videos) that are tailored to the needs of health workers and populations in low-resource settings. Internet and mobile technology enable these videos to reach large numbers of clinicians in a cost-effective manner. (Features great videos for health care providers AND patients.)


IBCLE (International Board of Certified Lactation Consultant Examiners)


The IBCLE is a worldwide resource which certifies practitioners in lactation and breastfeeding management.


ILCA (International Lactation Consultant Association)

ILCA is a professional organization that connects members to leading experts in the field and to the research that guides breastfeeding practice and policy.


Institute for the Advancement of Breastfeeding and Lactation Education

A non-profit membership organization that promotes and supports of breastfeeding for families in the outpatient sector.


LLLI (La Leche League International)

This worldwide organization promotes women to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education. League has an additional focus on understanding breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of mother/baby pair.


Office On Women’s Health (Health and Human Services)


Stanford University

Stanford University newborn website provides evidence-based information and videos on the management of breastfeeding, including maximizing milk production while pumping. (Includes great videos for health care providers AND patients.)


USBC (United States Breastfeeding Committee)

The United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) is an independent nonprofit coalition of more than 50 professional, educational, and governmental organizations that share a common mission to create policy and practices that support breastfeeding across the United States.


Wellstart International

Wellstart International’s mission is to advance the knowledge, skills and abilities of health care providers regarding the promotion, protection and support of optimal infant and maternal health and nutrition from conception through the completion of weaning. (Offers a FREE study module for those interested in learning breastfeeding basics.)


WHO Code: “International Code of Marketing Breast Milk Substitutes”


Medication Resources



The LactMed® database contains information on drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It includes information on the levels of these substances in breast milk and infant blood, and possible adverse effects on nursing infants. When appropriate, suggested therapeutic alternatives are provided.


The Infant Risk Center

Hotline Number: 806.352.2519, M-F 8a–5p CT

The InfantRisk Center promotes research, education and public service related to medication safety for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.


Breastfeeding and Human Lactation Study Center
University of Rochester Medical Center

Drug Information Services Helpline – 585.275.3232
Toxicology Consult Services Helpline – 585.275.0088

The Breastfeeding and Human Lactation Study Center is part of the Division of Neonatology and is a valuable resource for physicians. Physicians that have questions/concerns regarding what medications can be taken during breastfeeding or general questions regarding difficulties with breastfeeding, can contact the center.


Duquesne University Mylan School Of Pharmacy

412.396.4600) – Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Email: pic@duq.edu

An excellent resource for medication questions. Availability based on Duquesne University academic calendar