Ellen Rubin


For over two decades, Ellen Rubin’s professional focus has been on providing support to women and families. After completing a Bachelor of Science in psychology at The College of William and Mary, she earned her Master of Arts in agency counseling at Rhode Island College.

Ellen began working as a social services provider at a health center, helping pregnant women access resources for successful parenting. Several years later, Ellen moved on to Columbus, OH, where she became the director of volunteer services and mentoring programs at Directions for Youth and Families, a children’s counseling agency. There she trained and supervised adult volunteers working with at-risk youth, including a successful teen-mom mentoring program.

Ellen and her husband Jonathan had their first child just before their final move brought them to Pittsburgh, where Ellen took time over the next several years to raise their two boys.

Ellen attributes her own positive breastfeeding experiences to the expert assistance she received from lactation consultants and La Leche League, a mother-to-mother breastfeeding support organization. This assistance was instrumental in her decision to become a volunteer La Leche League leader and to earn certification as a lactation consultant.

Following an internship at the Breastfeeding Center of Pittsburgh, she earned her International Board Certified Lactation Consultant credentials. Ellen was thrilled to join the Breastfeeding Center’s lactation team in 2009.

In addition to providing breastfeeding support, Ellen enjoys spending time with her family, baking, and reading. She stays active in her community through a variety of volunteer positions.

You can view all of Ellen’s Favorite Breastfeeding Resources on Pinterest.

To learn more about Ellen, check out her episode of Breastfeeding Center of Pittsburgh Q&A: